John Bailey – The Kingfisher Diaries

January 15th 2013

Help Needed

 As a few Kingy regulars are beginning to realize, the roach fishing that we are enjoying along our stretch of Wensum is really starting to look spectacular. Over the last eight months, I've seen, caught or landed for other people hundreds of quality fish between two ounces and almost two and a half pounds. Just the other day, during a mild spell, I popped down around three thirty p.m. for a quick hour in the midst of my work and landed fifteen fish to two pounds two ounces. This is phenomenal roach fishing by any standards and watch out for roach fishing weekends from autumn 2013 onwards organized here at the apartments.

BUT I DO NEED HELP! A large part of our success has been down to scaring cormorants off our stretch of river over the past three or four years. I'm not talking about shooting the things but simply stopping them congregating on our piece of water. There will always be the odd cormorant making a nuisance of itself but providing they are not allowed to stay and gather in numbers, then the damage that they do can be limited.

I try to get down at least four or five times a week during the winter, especially during cold periods like this when the stillwaters are frozen over. It's NOW our roach are SERIOUSLY at risk.

I will continue to get down just as often as I can. If I can't, and if you are fishing the lake or even staying in the apartments, if you could possibly just walk the stretch of river morning and evening then that would be a huge step forward.

It's good for you and it's good for the river! Please get back to me if you can help, if you have helped and any comments you'd like to make on this one.

Let's save our river!

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