John Bailey – The Kingfisher Diaries

December 7th 2012

Barbel Heaven

There I was, right close to Kingfisher, trotting with size 18, two maggots and a two pound bottom. The float buried, the rod hooped and I quickly realised that I was into something that absolutely wasn't a roach or chub. Ten minutes later, the answer swirled for me on the surface. A barbel of seven or eight pounds perhaps. A Wensum miracle. So was the fact I landed it. That has to go down as a huge success for the Hardy Marksman Supero Float rod I was using that day. A bit of product placement I know but I truly don't think I'd have landed that fish without the control the rod gave me.

Just perhaps, too, in 2013 we can hope for a Wensum barbel future, otters and all! When we all think our days of barbel greatness are gone, an absolutely flawless fish like this comes to confound us all.

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